Legacy of Ihys DM(s) Rysor, Valeria Guest DM(s) Tundra, Epametheus System Pathfinder The party is drawn together by the gods to stop a long forgotten cult who sought to revoke the will of all mortals. The heroes are drawn to discover the 12 lost shards of the Ihystear and traveled the solar system to fight the proto-dragons, stopping their long planned plots. Contents 1 Setting 2 PCs 3 Major NPCs 3.1 Allies 3.2 Villains 4 Session Data 5 The Lost History of Ihys 6 Proto-Dragons and Hierarchy 7 Shards of the Ihystear 8 Character Details and Plot Tie-Ins Setting Legacy of Ihys took place on Golarian in the locations of Absalom, Starstone Cathedral, Nyannar, and Zi Ha. Other planets and planes were part of the setting as well, including the planets of Akiton, Triaxus, Castrovel, Diaspora, Aballon, Eox, and Melos and the plane of Ihystear, Plane of the Bronze Dragon Forgemaster Ashyl'nakkith PCs Xiaomara (Epametheus) Renae (Valeria) Zedwitz (Rysor) - when not DM'ing Daisirelle Felirune (Tundra) Adara Sonara (Shandroa) Sorah Malak (Cerberus7) Major NPCs Allies Eando Cline Kasplat (Daisie's uncle) Shula (Daisie's Cohort) Adara's Erinyes handler Bhob Bheldar Zhora Spirit of Ihys Epoch (Goddess of the Aballonians) Villains King Thalgonis Catfolk *Advisor* to the King Bronze Dragon Forgemaster Ashyl'nakkith Palax’umerys (Original Proto-dragon) Deszeld‘irdys (In charge of Researching capabilities of the shards) Kaluth’dalahys (Proto-dragon in charge of Drakelands plot) Dragon Cao (Sovereign dragon) Heph‘aesthear (Aballon Boss) Master Karpaeth (Elon council member) Deven Arindam Aka Red-haired man Session Data No Session Data is available. Other information will be filled in later. The Lost History of Ihys Ihys created the proto-dragons as the first creatures with free will. These proto dragons are the predecessors of the chromatic and prismatic dragons that are around today. These proto-dragons were servants of Ihys, but he also gave them free will. Asmodeus later murdered Ihys, capturing Ihys’ essence within the Ihystear. Soon after this, the proto dragons fractured, Apsu and Tiamat arose as gods from among them. There is a rumor that Tiamat’s offspring Dahak created metallic dragons so that he could hunt them. This is not the entire truth, he in fact captured and used one of the remaining proto-dragons that followed Apsu and created metallic dragons from it. Apsu entered the Material Plane in order to end Dahak's reign of terror. In a deal to save Dahak, Tiamat healed some of the wounded metallic dragons. These dragons became the original chromatic dragons. Seranrae later sent a strike team of celestials to Hell and managed to rescue the Ihystear. Sarenrae used the Ihystear in the battle against Rovagug. In order for Asmodeus to complete the ritual, he had convinced a group of Celestials to backstab other Celestials who had been wounded in the battle, using their souls to help seal Rovagug away. Asmodeus and the other corrupted Celestials were then turning on Seranae to retrieve the Ihystear. When Sarenrae saw this she shattered and scattering the 13 shards, the core falling to the twin planets and later to Golarian and becoming known as the starstone, the rest of the shards where scattered among the planes and other primes. After this Seranrae and Asmodeus came to an agreement and put a veil on the shards so that they could not be detected by other deities. Though Asmodeus had murdered his brother, he did not want to revoke his brother’s will of granting free will to mortals. Seranrae also saw the great power capable with the shards and did not want them being used as tools of the Gods. The starstone contains a demi-plane contained inside of it. The demi-plane can travel the planes and become part of the planet or plane. Currently the plane is settled on the prime at the Cathedral in Absalom. When Golarians enter the cathedral and pass the tests they enter into the demi-plane. If you are aligned to the plane, you pass directly into the demi-plane when you enter the cathedral. If you are aligned, you may take lower level people with you through the doorway, however higher level people will hit a wall of force when trying to enter with you. The demi-plane has small keep with a large record hall with information on each person to attempt to pass the test. Outside of the keep in a large pavilion there is a statue of each person who passed the test and became a God, several of them have crumbled, signifying that the deity is no longer alive. In the center there is a large shrine with the starstone and places for the other 12 shards to be placed to complete the Ihystear. As more shards are placed, the demi-plane improves. Past the Keep the environment adapts to the wherever the plane is residing. Cayden Cailean who was the newest God to have passed the test of the Starstone, found out from Seranrae the origins of the Starstone. The new information awoke a buried memory from his trial. He told Sarenrae that he remembered a ghost that he felt was a kindred spirit guiding him through the test. He came to believe that this was Ihys, and that if enough of the shards were combined, they would be able to bring back an aspect of the dead deity. He was determined to go on an adventure and accomplish this task, but Sarenrae convinced him that was not a good idea. However, after finding out about the actions being taken by cultists and Asmodeus to gather the fragments, she decided that something needed to be done to counter-act their intervention. The cult has managed to infiltrate an Elan Council and had convinced the council to use a shard in the creation of Elan. The result of using the shard in the creation is that the subjects have a mental compass to the direction of the closest shard. Some may also have other abilities. Cayden Cailean was able to convince Seranrae to have someone infiltrate the Council as well to try to interfere with the plans of the cult. She was able to have a candidate of her choice used and escape through an underground railroad that typically rescues slaves. Proto-Dragons and Hierarchy The proto-dragon Palax’umerys was Ihys first creation, and for a great deal of time sought to protect everything that Ihys had created and stood for. Over time he decided that it would take humanity a great deal of time to find their path without Ihys to guide them, and went into a sleep that lasted eons. When he awoke and saw that little had improved between the creatures Ihys had given life and free will to and that they still warred with each other and tore down anything productive that had been created, he decided that they did not deserve the gift they had been given and that it was his responsibility to take their gift back. He saw a planet primarily of dragons, the spawn and corruption of his own kind, and decided that was where he would begin, and to put them back where they belonged, at the top of Ihys’ creations. He found that there were only 2 other protodragons remaining that had not either died or had been seduced into being deities for these worthless beings and convinced them to join in his fight. Deszeld‘irdys and Kaluth’dalahys. Together they formed the Eru’kar Meriku Gahl (which roughly translated in an ancient dialect of draconic means “Revokers of Mortal free will”). Once the Triaxus drakelands had been subdued, Palax placed Kaluth in command and put Deszeld in charge of researching the shard that he had found and determine how to use it in order to enslave Ihys’ creations. Kaluth- allows the drakelands to fight among themselves, in a controlled way as this is the way they are happiest, and uses it as a way of separating the wheat from the chaff and recruits the strongest from both sides. These are trained and provide the troops used by Deszeld’s plots. This has been in place for centuries, so there is a large underground force among the population who can be called at any time by Kaluth. One of his top men has also been put in charge of running Melos’ since Deszeld’s plan was successful on that moon. Dragon on Aballon reported to Kaluth using Deszeld’s plan to trick the robots into doing their bidding. Deszeld- Came up with the way the shard power could be used in order to revoke free will. This concept was proven in use on the Melo. Rumors are that her manipulation was somehow related to the destruction of Diaspora, but it is not known exactly how that occurred. The sovereign dragon reports directly to her, and this sovereign dragon leads all plots on Golarian. Implementation is directed by Palax. Master Karpaeth (Elon), the bronze forge master Ashyl’nakkith that created the Catfolk rod of rulership all report to the sovereign dragon known by Dragon Cao. Deven Arindam known as the red-haired man, the catfolk advisor as well as other agents key in implementation of the revoking of will report directly to Palax. Shards of the Ihystear Starstone- The starstone contains a demi-plane contained inside of it. The demi-plane can travel the planes and become part of the planet or plane. Currently the plane is settled on the prime at the Cathedral in Absalom. When Golarians enter the cathedral and pass the tests they enter into the demi-plane. If you are aligned to the plane, you pass directly into the demi-plane when you enter the cathedral. If you are aligned, you may take lower level people with you through the doorway, however higher level people will hit a wall of force when trying to enter with you. The demi-plane has small keep with a large record hall with information on each person to attempt to pass the test. Outside of the keep in a large pavilion there is a statue of each person who passed the test and became a God, several of them have crumbled, signifying that the deity is no longer alive. In the center there is a large shrine with the starstone and places for the other 12 shards to be placed to complete the Ihystear. As more shards are placed, the demi-plane improves. Past the Keep the environment adapts to the wherever the plane is residing. In order to reforge the power of a shard, a caster level check is first made to overcome the prior creator’s caster level. The creator describes the powers he wishes the shard to contain, must be within the realm of a minor artifact. Character Details and Plot Tie-Ins Xiaomara Class: Race: Samsarin Gender: female Background: Was a Celestial in the fight against Rovagug. Was backstabbed by Renae after the battle. Pharasma granted her the ability to come back and live as a mortal as a reward for her contributions in life. Renae Class: Tactician Race: Aasimar (Peri) Gender: female Background: Was a Celestial in the fight against Rovagug. However, Asmodeus was able to corrupt her and she backstabbed Xiaomara at the end of the battle. She served Asmodeus until one of his followers stole her daughter, Adara’s ancestor. She fought to try to rescue her daughter, but in the end died trying. When she got to the Boneyard, Pharasma made it her fate to incarnate as a mortal alongside Xiaomara to help her. Sorah Marak Class: Aegis Race: Elan Gender: male Background: Seranrae’s agent in the Elan Council was able to get Sorah selected as the next to be created as an Elan using the shard. This creation process makes him immune to the will revoking powers of the cult. He also is able to detect nearby shards, closer ones detect stronger. He was rescued after the transformation was complete, but before the cult had been able to take him and complete the ritual needed to revoke his free will. Adara Sonara Class: Bard Race: Tiefling Gender: female Background: Descended from the corrupted celestial that backstabbed Xiao. Asmodeus has been using her family line ever since, primarily using them to murder or interfere with Xiaomara’s incarnations. Her ability to read thoughts is used by the Erinyes Devil that follows her and uses the thoughts she reads to control her to the will of Asmodeus. Daisirelle Felirune Class: Gunsage Race: Catfolk Gender: female Background: The retarded catgirl princess grew up in Nyannar a small catfolk kingdom. Her great-great grandfather managed to corral the kitties using a relic that was made on a forge infused with the power of a shard, or was it her great-great-great grandfather? Anything past a couple generations is a very long time ago to a cat. She knows about the relic; however her father has not let her see it yet, until she proves herself worthy. They do bring the item out on special occasions, other than that it is left in the vault. The shard was the property of a bronze dragon Ashyl’nakkith who used the item to make very special items, and then he was initiated into the cult and began to create items that, when all of the shards had been collected, would be able to strip away the will of all under their effect. This rod of catfolk rulership is one such item, one of the first he created, as catfolk are typically weak-willed anyway. The rod has an effect that leaves a lingering magical effect on anyone within 5 miles of the rod when activated. The effect merely makes the affected more willing to work with the possessor of the rod, and not want to do anything to harm them. When it is in use, it produces countless laser pointers that all the kitties high on catnip leap at.