yxis Dragonclaw

Name: Pyxis Dragonclaw
Sex: Female
Age: 22
Race: Halfling
Homeland: Loriale, House of Tealgoblet, Kingdom of Sengra
Level: 4(Rog 2, Ftr 2)
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Deity: Aestar
Alignment: CG
Height: 2'8"
XP: 6000
Lvl up @: 10000

STR 10 +0
DEX 19 +4
CON 14 +2
INT 14 +2
WIS   8 -1
CHA 10 +0

HP: 30
Speed: 20
BAB: +3
AC: 19
Saves: For +4, Ref +8, Will -1
Racial/Class/Regional Abilities: bonus feat, small size, +1 ranged weapons, Sneak 1d6, Evasion, Innuendo as a class skill
Feats: EWP: Dragonclaw, Ambidexterity, Expertise, Improved Disarm
Languages: Common, Halfling, Goblin, Orc

Introduction: Pyxis Dragonclaw of Loriale in Tealgoblet, hero of Lady Korinna Quickquet, Keeper of the Star of Alleus.
Skill Total Ranks Stat Misc
Balance +8 4 +4 DEX +0
Bluff +4 4 +0 CHA +0
Climb +9 7 +0 STR +2
Hide +12 4 +4 DEX +4
Innuendo +8 4 -1 WIS +5
Intimidate (Grrr...) +3 3 +0 CHA +0
Jump +3 1 +) STR +2
Listen +3 4 -1 WIS +0
Move Silently +10 4 +4 DEX +2
Perform +8 1 +4 DEX +3
Pick Pockets +8 4 +4 DEX +0
Ride +10 6 +4 DEX +0
Sense Motive +0 1 -1 WIS +0
Spot +3 4 -1 WIS +0
Tumble +8 4 +4 DEX +0
Use Magic Device +4 4 +0 CHA +0
Dragonclaw +11d6+1=[base:]1d6 [Str]+0 [magical]+1+10=[base:]+3[Dex]+4[size]+1[racial]+1[magical]+1x2Range: 15 ft
Shortsword1d6=[base:]1d6 [Str]+0+3=[base:]+3 [Str]+019-20/x2
Sling1d4=[base:]1d4 [Str]+0+9=[base:]+3 [Dex]+4[size]+1[racial]+1[Str]+0x2Range: 50 ft

Armor: Studded Leather
Goggles of Night
Hand of the Mage
Potions: CLW(1st)x3